Why Buying a Used Scissor Lift May Benefit You

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Good Products Start With Good Supplies Have you ever wondered why some plants turn out better products than others? It has a lot to do with the workers they hire, but it also has to do with the way they care for their equipment. If you keep your equipment in good shape, the products you turn out will be more consistent — and that is true in most any industry. Train your workers to keep the space around their equipment clean and clear. Remind them to lubricate their machines and report any abnormalities ASAP. As you read on this blog, we hope you gain a better understanding of industrial equipment, the care it requires, and related topics.



When you are running a company that requires you to work high in the air, a scissor lift can provide a stable platform for you to work from and can accommodate different weight levels. Buying a lift for your company is expensive, but finding a used scissor lift for sale could be the way to go.

Used Lifts 

If you are looking for a lift and are on a budget, buying good, used equipment is one way to get the lift you need without the high cost. You need to be sure that the used scissor lift for sale is functional and safe before buying it, but if you buy it from a dealer, you have a better chance of getting one that has been inspected and certified safe.

When you are buying from a dealer, they will go through the lift and check everything; they may install new batteries, and they will service the lift to ensure it is ready for use. The price of the used lift is going to be lower than a new lift, so for a small business starting out, a used scissor lift may mean the company can stop renting machines for jobs.

Types of Lifts

Scissor lifts raise straight up off the base with a series of x shaped supports and hydraulic cylinders. The hydraulics use an electric pump to raise and lower the lift, and the platform at the top is often expandable to allow for more work area. Not all scissors lifts are the same height, but most average between thirty-two and forty feet, and there are some on the market that can lift as high as fifty feet. 

Some lifts use large tires for rough ground and are used outside primarily, and some models use propane instead of batteries to power them. Talk to the dealer about what you are going to use the lift for, how high it needs to go, and if you are going to use it outside. The dealer can help you select the best lift for your situation when they know how you are going to use it.

Warranty Concerns

If you find a used scissor lift for sale and are considering it for your company, you have to remember that the lift may not have a warranty left on it. If it does, it may be transferrable, but ask the dealer about any warranty before you finalize the sale. While the warranty is not essential to everyone, it can be helpful not to have to pay for repairs if something significant breaks on the equipment. 

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